
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sharing of The Evening - March 27, 10

If you want to bake a pie from scratch, you have to create the universe first.


If you want to travel fast, you travel alone. If you want to travel far, we travel together

Pyanuddin al-Helmy, Badr


Anonymous said...

Those are indeed nice lines of words.

The first one tells you that human are indeed social beings, and there is no way you can live alone. Ust Hasrizal often stresses this point when talking about 'kewajipan berdakwah'.

The second one is self-explanatory. Two is better than one, the more the merrier. That is why you need a support-system (let say, jemaah) to get to the end. You just can't do it alone.

(Suka-suka tambah commentary kat entri pendek encik pyan =P)

Pyanuddin al-Helmy said...

commentary di alu-alukan kak apni