
Thursday, July 15, 2010

The best prediction comes from the best plan

"The best prediction, comes from the best plan.
The best plan comes from Allah Ta'ala.."

From this quotation, comes few principles..

  • Urgency to make predicition comes when we set a mission to be achieved
  • Urgency to set up a mission comes when we want to make prediction
  • Man can't stop from dreaming, it is a gift from the Almighty
  • Be better than yesterday, it's a nature, emphasized by Rasulullah. A nature? Islam is nature
  • Worship Allah as you'll die tommorow. Work hard as you'll live for another 1000 years
  • Verily, along with every hardship is relief.  Verily, along with hardship is relief. So when you art free, still labour (work) hard. [al-Ashr 95: 5-7]
  • Plan, is a key to perform. You might perform well without plan, but that's not the case. The case is Allah & the Prophet ask us to plan
  • Man, is just another creature from zillions of creatures created by Him, except man is gifted with 'akal'. God's creatures are God's servants, God's slaves. So, do not question why He decides everthing for us! Because He is the Lord
  • He created everthing and He's gonna annihilate everything including creatures, feelings, devils, time & dimension, effortless... He got His own plan which is the best one.
  • Man works hard, man doesn't know what happen next, man prays to Him to seek for acknowledgement over man's works as deeds.
  • Man plans hard, work hards, and to Him man should hold firm. Never associate Him with anything else. 
  • Man should satisfy what God decided for man, whether man likes it or not, pain or gain, love or hate
  • He is the Almighty, man and all other things are servants.. 
  • Everthing else besides man & genie are servants with unquestionable obidience. They are all muslims
  • Men & genie are servants with questionable obidience. They might be or not a muslim.
Pyanuddin al-Helmy, Pariser

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