
Friday, April 29, 2011

He Who Knows Everything, You Know Nothing. You Only Discover Things.

Only in recent modern science world, men discovered that a female ant leads the whole particular ant colony. Or in some ant species, it could reach up to hundreds of female ants lead the colony and become the fertile queens.

14 hundred years ago, a man has already read to their people;

"till, when they came upon a valley (full) of ants, a female ant exclaimed: "O you ants! Get into your dwellings, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you without (even) being aware (of you)!" [1]

[From monografias blog]

This sentence was read by Muhammad Ibnu Abdullah. [2]

No! It is not a sentence from a man! It is a sentence of He who knows things that men know, things that men never know and things that men haven't known yet. Undeniably, it is a sentence from Him, the Lord of mankind and universe.

And he, Muhammad Ibnu Abdullah, the messenger of the only Lord, Allah SWT. He was the man that passed the messages from the Lord who knows everything to the mankind that knows nothing.

I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, and
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

[1] Al-Quran, Chapter Ant (an-Naml), verse 18. Namla (arabic word) means female ant.
[2] Muhammad Ibnu Abdullah died in year 633

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bahaya Berlengah Dalam Memperbaiki Diri

Do we need to accelerate our tarbiyyah??

Do we really need to? OR let the nature do the talk for our tarbiyyah (tarbiyyah dzatiyyah)?

Dalam mentarbiyyah manusia lain, keseimbangan dalam perkembangan mereka perlu ada. Persekitaran, latar belakang dan kapasiti natural mereka diambil kira dalam meletakkan visi tarbiyyah ke atas mereka, dalam memilih method untuk